A thriving trade has sprung up between the southern countiesofMinnesota, and Galena and Dubuque.
Klobuchar's record as the top prosecutor for the Minnesotacounty that includes Minneapolis, where Floyd died, came under scrutiny.
If the cases were moved, the new venue would be another Minnesotacounty as the charges are under state law.
The storms from June 14-21 battered 13 Minnesotacounties and three tribal nations, swamping roads in state parks and inundating low-lying areas near Lake Superior.
A thriving trade has sprung up between the southern countiesofMinnesota, and Galena and Dubuque.
Uso de minnesota counties en inglés
The storms from June 14-21 battered 13 Minnesotacounties and three tribal nations, swamping roads in state parks and inundating low-lying areas near Lake Superior.